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Acupuncture for Low Back Pain

Acupuncture for Low Back Pain

Low back pain is a common strain or injury to muscles or tendons between the lower edge of the ribs and buttocks. It can last for a few days to a few weeks, affecting anyone’s quality of life. The pain often improves with rest, physical therapy, or medication. Some people also opt for treatments like acupuncture to support overall well-being.

This is also one of the most common complaints for patients seeking acupuncture treatments. Acupuncture is a modality of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that covers a large span of treatments. At Natural Point Acupuncture, we offer a holistic approach that includes acupuncture, herbs, cupping, tui na (our massage technique focused on pushing, pulling, and kneading), nutritional advice, and tai chi. Each treatment, such as for low back pain, is carefully tailored to each patient.

Common treatments for low back pain include acupuncture and herbs, as they work synergistically to get you the best, most effective, and timely results. Cupping is usually for more acute conditions. The amount of treatments can depend on whether or not the case is acute or chronic. Acute conditions can be treated in around 5 treatments and chronic conditions can take 10+ sessions — depending on many factors!  

Why does your pain keep coming back? 

The diagnosis of low back pain depends on many factors such as age, weight, type of injury, posture, type of work you do, and your daily activities, among other things. Acupuncture can get to the root of the problem by an accumulation of treatments. The goal is for the patient to not have to come back or come back as preventative. If you know you will be traveling and sitting for a long time or walking a lot, it is highly recommended to come in for a treatment to get you prepared for that journey. Back pain is something you want to address sooner rather than later, this way it’s not a situation that will constantly burden you. 

Lifestyle changes are the best ways to prevent setbacks. These include eating an anti-inflammatory diet (which will help you lose weight too!), stretching, weight training, drinking plenty of water, and incorporating supplements like magnesium to relax muscles, calcium, or vitamin D.

You should see a doctor if your condition isn’t improving or has become a long-standing issue. Numbness and tingling are warning signs that shouldn’t be ignored. If you have had a fall or been in a car accident. Consider the emergency room or urgent care if you have any issues with using the bathroom or a fever!

Top 5 Tips for Dealing With Pain

1. Anti-inflammatory Diet

An anti-inflammatory diet focuses on whole, nutrient-dense foods that help reduce inflammation. This diet emphasizes eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins while minimizing processed foods, sugar, and trans fats. 

Individuals can support their overall health and potentially reduce the risk of chronic diseases by choosing foods with anti-inflammatory properties, such as fatty fish, leafy greens, and berries. Eliminate foods that cause inflammation, especially during flare-ups or when pain is at its peak. Avoid red meat, dairy, and gluten. 
I am also a big believer in having a detox diet from Monday through Friday and cheat days on Saturday and Sunday! This also helps to lose weight quickly. If you’d like more personalized advice, schedule an appointment with us.

2. Natural remedies Like Herbs, Essential Oils, and CBD  

Herbs in Chinese medicine are very SPECIFIC. They are incredible since they have specialized formulas for neck and shoulder pain, knee, fingers, and more! I always keep a bottle handy for neck and shoulder pain! I use it for preventative as well as when I have a flare-up or perhaps sleep wrong. I also love topical herbs like a famous formula many of my patients love and already have (drum roll please) Evil Bone Water. This is an ancient Chinese formula and great for acute or chronic pain. This topical analgesic comes in a liquid glass bottle with a spray to be used anywhere on the body. 

Essential oils are also very powerful and easy to have on hand. Marjoram works great for muscle aches and pains. Copaiba is not only great for digestive stuff but also a huge pain reliever. I use it for my kids at night for growing pains or if they overate or didn’t eat enough at dinner.  

Cannabidiol oil or CBD is also one of my favorites. This provides pain relief and relaxation without any mind-altering effects. I use various combinations with CBD, often mixing it with essential oils before bed to wake up feeling better. It’s also my go-to for preventing headaches or easing one before it starts. I carry all three of these and more! I sell all three of these and more! Check out other products here.

3. Epsom Salt Baths

Epsom salt baths are not only a wonderful way to relax and take some time to yourself to de-stress, but they’re also a great way to get more magnesium into your bloodstream (Did you know that most of us are deficient?). Epsom salt baths or foot soaks can be beneficial for insomnia, constipation, chronic pain and inflammation, and overall relaxation. If you don’t have a tub or don’t quite have the time for a full bath, grab a basin and soak your feet instead! You’ll get the same beneficial properties from a foot soak.

4. Movement

Movement! I know, I know, not everyone loves to work out, but unfortunately, as we age, we need movement to maintain our health and mobility. If this is new to you, then a nice brisk walk is a fantastic way to start. It’s gentle on the joints and can easily be incorporated into your daily routine. Aim for at least 20-30 minutes a day, and consider exploring different environments, like parks or nature trails, to make it more enjoyable. As you get comfortable, you can gradually add more activities, such as stretching, yoga, or even dancing, to keep things fresh and fun! Remember, the key is to find something you enjoy so that staying active becomes a rewarding part of your day.

5. Heat

In traditional Chinese medicine, ice is used only for acute injuries, like when you twist your ankle or suffer a fresh injury. In these cases, applying ice right away can reduce swelling and inflammation. For chronic conditions, however, heat is much more beneficial. A heating pad or wrap can provide soothing relief, help relax tense muscles, and should feel comforting as it promotes circulation to the affected area. Heat is a great way to manage ongoing discomfort and ease tightness.

Final Thoughts

Low back pain is one of the number one reasons people seek acupuncture treatment. Many people are looking for a safe, effective alternative to opioid pain medications, or, they’ve already tried other treatments that haven’t worked, so they turn to acupuncture. Recently, the results of a review of 29 studies of acupuncture for low back pain involving approximately 18,000 participants were published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. These studies showed that acupuncture relieved back pain by 50%. Dr. Lucy Chen, a board-certified anesthesiologist, specialist in pain medicine, and acupuncturist at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston says, “I think the benefit of acupuncture is clear, and the complications and potential adverse effects of acupuncture are low compared with medication.”

At Natural Point Acupuncture, we prioritize your health concerns and create a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs. This plan may include herbs, lifestyle recommendations, and nutritional advice, ensuring you feel comfortable and confident in making any necessary changes to your routine. Our goal is to prevent you from feeling overwhelmed; we will support you every step of the way as we work together to address the root of your issues. Eastern medicine can effectively alleviate back pain, reduce inflammation, relax muscles, and promote free movement.

If you or a loved one is experiencing discomfort or simply needs time to unwind and reduce stress, acupuncture is an excellent choice. In addition to addressing medical conditions, regular acupuncture sessions can boost energy, enhance sleep quality, relax muscles, and relieve pain.

Here at Natural Point Acupuncture, we specialize in treating low back pain. Schedule your appointment today!

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