Acupuncture for Pregnancy
Traditional Chinese medicine is a complete system of healing that has been around for thousands of years. There are several modalities under this umbrella term which include: acupuncture, herbs, cupping, tui na, gua sha, and nutritional and lifestyle advice.
Acupuncture is mostly popular in treating pain and infertility, but it can treat so much more! Traditional Chinese Medicine is very safe and effective during pregnancy. Pregnancy can be a beautiful time, yet also one of many complications, discomforts, and many hormonal changes. Pregnancy is a very important time to make yourself a priority as you are now taking care of 2 (well, it could be more, ha!).
Traditional Chinese Medicine is very safe and effective during pregnancy.
Every acupuncturist and patient is different and unique. Our customized approach means individualized treatment tailored to your needs and issues. It is best to front-load treatments – meaning as many appointments as close together as possible, and then spreading them out for the maintenance phase. The best course is usually about two to three times a week for the first few weeks while we help alleviate the biggest issues and then we taper off to once a week (depending on your symptoms), and then monthly maintenance according to your wellness and acupuncturists suggestions.
Acupuncture treatment is also very relaxing and comfortable. You will not have to lay all the way flat as we have pregnancy support pillows for the back and legs so you don’t get sore or uncomfortable. The table can be warm or not but this will be a great way to care for yourself and relax and take a 30-minute nap.
Prenatally, acupuncture and TCM can help during pregnancy in treating:
- Nausea
- Bleeding or spotting
- Pain (low back, headaches), discomforts & swelling
- Digestive issues – Heartburn, Reflux, Constipation
- Stress, emotions or fatigue
- Inducing labor
- Turning breech babies
No matter how little or intense nausea can be, acupuncture is scientifically proven to be one of the most efficient and effective ways to treat it (not just pregnancy, but non-pregnancy-related issues like chemotherapy-induced nausea, etc). This feeling can, unfortunately, last all day and/or weeks/months at a time. It can affect EVERYTHING you do! A combination of factors can lead to this terrible condition – an increase in hormones like HcG and estrogen as well as stress and other emotions or fatigue can really impact your wellbeing. With acupuncture, we can strengthen the digestive system, which leads to a reduction in nausea.
Stop bleeding or spotting
Acupuncture has specific points that are used to stop bleeding as well as an herb called moxa (a.k.a., mugwort) that can accomplish this goal. Depending on the situation, your licensed acupuncturist can do this in the office and send you home with moxa to be prepared at home. Women’s health is one of the most popular reasons that acupuncture is known for and it’s one of the main focuses in our training.
Pain (low back, headaches), discomforts & swelling
Acupuncture is also proven to help reduce inflammation, which can be the root cause of so many pregnancy-related issues. It can also help with uncomfortable and annoying restless leg syndrome (RLS), pelvic or pubic bone pain, and most other discomforts related to musculoskeletal issues. Swelling can also cause a soon-to-be mother distress. Acupuncture can improve lymph flow and reduce water retention to promote better metabolism so there is a reduction in swelling. Acupuncture is proven to help with pain. In one study over 50% of pain scores decreased and their ability to perform general activities improved significantly, not only in helping the pain, but also in improving range of motion, decreasing the need for pain medications, and increasing the capacity to take on physical work.
Digestive issues – Heartburn, Reflux, Constipation
Hormone fluctuations can really take a toll on the pregnant body and some symptoms may be exacerbated by food, positions, stress, and other factors. Constipation, which is a huge concern among pregnant women, can be improved in just one session. However, regular treatments are best to maintain digestive support, depending on if the issue is acute or chronic. Acupuncture can clear and cool or heat up the digestive tract depending on if you are experiencing constipation or diarrhea. Acupuncture has also been shown to stop acid and reflux to alleviate indigestion and heartburn. It can repair stomach acidity, increase peristalsis and regulate the digestive tract.
Stress, emotions or fatigue
The first step to decreasing stress is typically to help the body and mind to fully relax and get more restful and deeper sleep. Once this is accomplished, you will wake more rested and feel better to take on the day. Another step is resolving hormonal imbalances to boost energy and blood flow to increase vitality and have less fatigue.
Induce labor
Inducing labor with acupuncture is nowhere close to the process in western medicine. In western medicine, the amount and intensity of the steps they take to induce labor can make birthing a traumatic experience and make recovery harsher. When they break your water, sweep the membranes, or use Pitocin, it can also cause other side effects. Not only will your contractions be much more intense, but it can lead to other medical interferences like a c-section, use of the vacuum, epidural, or being cut (episiotomy). This doesn’t include the negative side effects of getting induced, which can range from mild to intense!
Acupuncture stimulates the uterus by regulating hormonal changes or the nervous system. Traditional Chinese Medicine is also great at relaxing you both physically and mentally in order to prepare you for birth. In acupuncture, there are contraindicated points when a patient is pregnant, so these exact points are what we use to induce labor. The popular pain point on the hand, which many people know about for headaches, and a few others, are stimulated by the acupuncturist or by e-stim. Just like with other courses of treatment in TCM, this is not a one and done deal, but you will need a few treatments to induce. We can also help you do some at-home acupressure, alone or with essential oils. Everyone is different; some pregnant patients feel the baby moving around, and some don’t feel much on the table. It will be like any other session where you will be fully relaxed and take a nap.

Turning breech babies (pic above)
When turning a breech baby, we need to use acupuncture and a specific herb called moxa (a.k.a., mugwort). A needle is inserted and moxa is burned at a very specific acupuncture point called Urinary Bladder 67. We typically describe it or write it as BL 67 which is found on the dorsal aspect of the little toe – if you draw a line from both the vertical and horizontal cuticle line, it is the side and base of the nail (see pic above). This point is not as effective when done by pressing or acupressure so your practitioner will more than likely send you home with a moxa stick.
At Natural Point Acupuncture and Wellness Clinic we specialize in helping pregnant women with all of the aches, pains, and discomforts associated with this 9-month stage. Our 100% natural process of relieving pain, reducing nausea and inflammation has given thousands of patients relief by finally having no pain, less stress, and improving well-being with no harmful medications.
Are you experiencing any of these symptoms during your pregnancy? Make an appointment here.