Stress Relief for Busy Houstonians: 3-Minute TCM Techniques You Can Do Anywhere
How has the start of the year begun for you? For me, the start of the year has flown by, all the sports have started for the kids, lots of events, a lot has happened in the world, crazy weather in Houston, and it’s only February! We thoroughly enjoyed the snow days but at the same time, I felt trapped and felt like I got behind on life and work with the kids at home for three days.
Living in Houston can be chaotic, not only because of the constant construction and traffic, but lots going on in our city, events, sports, galas, BBQ cookoffs coming up as well as the rodeo. Even though I love it, it means lots of traffic seven days a week. Add in an arctic blast, a week of rain, and then four seasons in a single day. Trying to figure out what to wear? It might be scorching outside but freezing indoors… so, layers it is!
I crave peace and calm and enjoy every minute of rest and days/hours with nothing to do. If you know me, you know I love to plan, and I also enjoy not overscheduling my kids or myself but sometimes life happens and everything happens at once. All I can do is just prepare us mentally and physically for what is ahead.
With all the hustle and bustle, taking small pauses throughout the day is essential for staying balanced and refreshed. You might think of spa days or vacations—and if you can, go for it! But since those aren’t always an option, here are some quick, three-minute stress relief techniques from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that you can do anytime, anywhere.
Relaxation Techniques for Instant Stress Relief
When stress builds up, even a few minutes of intentional relaxation can make a difference. TCM offers simple yet effective techniques to release tension, restore balance, and calm the mind. Whether you’re at work, stuck in traffic, or winding down at home, these quick practices can help you feel more grounded and refreshed. Try these three-minute stress relief techniques anytime, anywhere.
Seated Ankle Rotations
Seated ankle rotations are one of my favorite tips, not only for stress relief but also for foot pain! Try drawing the ABCs, one foot at a time, this can be done while watching TV or playing with your kids. This is a good, quick mindful technique, and opens up the channels on the feet by increasing blood flow and stretching the foot/ankle/legs (especially beneficial after a long day).
Deep Breathing
We’ve said it over and over again, mindful, deep breathing techniques can calm the nervous system and remind you to slow down. There are so many ways to approach this.
- If you are super busy, then put a timer for every 2 hours to stop and take some deep breaths, take a brisk walk to the bathroom, or get outside for a few minutes of sunlight and fresh air. If I have a busy day and I am running errands, I try to do it at every red light.
- You can do box or square breathing. Start by visualizing a square, and inhale through your nose for 4 counts. Then hold for 4 counts without inhaling or exhaling. Exhale through your mouth for 4 counts. Then hold for 4 counts. When you inhale make sure your abdomen and ribs are expanding, when you exhale empty the lungs.
Acupuncture or Acupressure Points for Neck, Shoulder, and Chest Tension
Many of us hold our tension in our necks and shoulders. You can do neck or shoulder circles, 5-10 times in each direction to release it. Opening up the chest is also important, as it’s likely compensating and may be tight. You might not notice it at first, but once you stretch, you’ll realize just how tight it is!
Ren 17 or “Chest Center”

One of my favorite acupoints is Ren 17. It unbinds the chest and is usually very sensitive. By pressing on it, you can help open the chest, allowing the shoulders and neck to relax. It also helps calm the lungs and stomach.
- Ren 17 benefits the breasts, making it great for breastfeeding or relieving breast pain and tenderness during your period. It is located between the nipples on the midline of the sternum, approximately at the fourth intercostal space.
This point is also effective for heartburn, hiccups, and indigestion. Ren 17 serves as an important intersection of many channels — the pericardium (the muscle around the heart), spleen, kidney, and small intestine. It is also the junction of the Sanjiao and Ren channels, but let me explain those.
The ren, or conception vessel, is known as the “sea of qi.” Qi is energy, and it moves with the blood. When we lack energy, we lack qi. In modern life, many of us are “lacking qi” due to stress and lifestyle factors. This channel is particularly important during pregnancy, puberty, menstruation, and menopause, all of which are closely connected to digestion, circulation, and energy.
Pericardium 6 or PC6
Calming anxiety with acupressure can be achieved by pressing Pericardium 6 (PC 6). To locate this point, find the wrist crease closest to the fingers, measure the widest part of your thumb, and then measure two thumb widths away. PC 6 is positioned in the middle of the forearm, between two tendons on the flexor side.
This point is known for treating various types of pain and issues related to the heart and chest, including a tight or stuffy chest, palpitations, irregular heart rate and rhythm, angina pectoris, pain in the lateral costal region, asthma, and cough. PC 6 also regulates the spirit, making it effective for addressing insomnia, epilepsy, poor memory, fright, sadness, fear, and apprehension.
It is the #1 acupressure point for nausea and vomiting and is widely used during pregnancy, as well as for cancer patients experiencing chemotherapy side effects. On the opposite side of the forearm lies another powerful point for digestion. Often, we advise pressing both points simultaneously to help soothe the stomach and relieve nausea.
This technique is especially beneficial for those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), where anxiety and digestive discomfort go hand-in-hand. It’s also great for kids—I press these points on both of my boys when they’re sick. Typically, this area feels tight and tender, and applying pressure until the tension eases can be highly effective.
Liv 3 or “Great Rushing”

The last key acupressure point for calming irritability and releasing stuck energy in the upper body is Liver Point 3 (LV 3). I will never forget when we were in school learning about this point—a teacher pressed it firmly on a friend, and she suddenly began to cry. She was sobbing uncontrollably, as this point had released deep pent-up emotion and tension in her body!
Liv 3 is also highly effective for relieving stress and headaches. It is located on the dorsum of the foot, between the big toe and the second toe. This point promotes blood circulation in the liver, making it beneficial for menstrual health, clearing the head and eyes, and alleviating symptoms of head colds, spasms, dizziness, and epilepsy. It is especially useful for conditions that suddenly affect the upper body without warning.
Because of its powerful effects, Liver 3 is one of the most commonly used acupressure points in acupuncture treatments.
Professional Treatment for Chronic Stress
Life in Houston is fast-paced, and stress is an unavoidable part of it. While we can’t always escape the chaos, we can take small, intentional steps to restore balance and ease tension.
Traditional Chinese Medicine offers simple yet powerful techniques (like acupressure, mindful movement, and deep breathing) that you can integrate into your daily routine. Whether it’s a few moments of relaxation or pressing key acupoints, these small actions can make a significant difference!
For those experiencing chronic stress, tension, or persistent discomfort, acupuncture offers a deeper, more effective solution. By stimulating specific points in the body, acupuncture helps regulate energy flow, reduce stress hormones, and promote overall well-being. Regular treatments can provide long-term relief from anxiety, headaches, muscle tightness, and digestive issues, leaving you feeling more balanced and energized.
If you’re ready to experience the benefits of acupuncture firsthand, schedule a session with us and take the next step toward better health. Prioritizing self-care—whether through quick at-home techniques or professional acupuncture treatments—can help you move through life with greater ease and resilience.